Asbjørn Skjernaa Faltum - Zacco
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Asbjørn Skjernaa Faltum

Asbjørn Skjernaa Faltum

Patent Attorney Trainee

About Asbjørn Skjernaa Faltum

Asbjørn has worked in IP since graduating from technical university of Denmark (DTU) in 2024, where he joined Zacco as a patent attorney trainee working within patent drafting, litigation and prosecution

He graduated as a mechanical engineer (BEng) from Aarhus university in 2022 and as a biomedical engineer (MSc.) from DTU in 2024. He has done extensive work within mechanics, material science, imaging systems, and mechatronics and in collaboration with both researchers and industry partners. His specialty is the interrelation between mechanics, physiology and/or information systems.  Most of his work has been in relation to the medtech industry, but he has also worked on projects within heavy industry and textile/wood pulp.

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