Season's Greetings 2024 - Zacco
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Season’s Greetings 2024

17 December 2024

As 2024 draws to a close, we are looking forward to sharing joy and laughter with families, friends, and others near to us. We continue to reflect on the importance of staying connected, wherever we may be, and sharing good moments together wherever possible.

It has been a pleasure to collaborate with so many great innovators, brand builders and creators, and with those who share our passion and excitement for everything IP. We appreciate the opportunity to work alongside each and every one of you, and together we will continue to pioneer and grow IP360, and everything that it stands for.

For now, our Christmas tree is up, the candles are lit, the presents are wrapped and we’re looking forward to getting everything ready for the holiday season. So, as we count down to Christmas and New Year, we would like to say thank you to all, and we wish everyone a wonderful 2025!

Warmest Regards,

From Everyone at Zacco


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