Dag Petré - Zacco
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Dag Petré

Dag Petré

Patent Attorney


About Dag Petré

Dag has been dealing with all aspects of patent prosecution in national, European and other foreign proceedings, as well as with invalidity and infringement suits since 1998. He has special competence in market oriented invent-around and infringement issues and in pre-patenting investigations. His technical expertise is primarily within the area of mechanical technology, but also includes information technology systems, construction engineering and clean tech. Dag is project manager for the Zacco Green Tech Expert Group.

Dag graduated in 1996 with a Master of Science degree in Civil Engineering from the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Stockholm and has worked as Patent Attorney since 1998. He has worked in various industries as well; Saab AB in Linköping with Saab-Fairchild 340 project, and in the sales department at SKF AB in Stockholm. Before joining the Zacco Group he was partner at Albihns IP and Law Office. Today he provides advice on patent strategy to clients who are primarily small- and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) seeking to create, maintain and commercialize a strong patent portfolio. He assists in developing the clients’ IP strategy, working in close cooperation with both RD and management.

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Areas of Expertise

  • Patent prosecution
  • IP Strategy Workshops and Coaching
  • Freedom to Operate
  • Patent Litigation
  • Technology Watch
  • Forward Patenting
  • Patent Drafting
  • Utility Models
  • Portfolio Management
  • Competitor Watch
  • Strategy Development
  • Novelty Search and Validity Search
  • Patent Monitoring
Technical field
  • Mechatronics
  • Manufacturing & Process Technology
  • Mechanical Engineering
  • Materials Technology & Nanotech
  • Robotics
  • Sensor and Measurement Technology
  • Information Technology
Industry expertise
  • Energy, Gas, Oil & Power
  • Architecture
  • Furniture
  • Sustainability / GreenTech / CleanTech
  • Paper/Pulp/Wood Industry
  • Automotive
  • Building & Construction
  • Aerospace & Defence
  • Agriculture