Zacco IP360 - The future of intellectual property | IP protection

Welcome to Zacco – a true European full-service IP firm!

Are you from outside of Europe? Zacco is one of Europe’s leading full-service IP firms – A single point of contact who can represent your gateway to Europe.

We have created a special area for you on our website where we have gathered information on the most sought after services from our foreign agents and clients, making it easier to quickly find what you are looking for.

We cover filing and prosecution work in 10 European jurisdictions directly, including the EUIPO/EPO, UK, Germany, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Austria and Switzerland, but we’ve got you covered anywhere in Europe.

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Pioneers in IP360

In this interconnected digital world, assets can be found everywhere and, as they become increasingly intangible, you will often have assets that you aren’t aware of. The introduction of IP360 recognised that IP rights do not exist on their own – they form part of a wider IP ecosystem that encompasses everything to do with protecting the value of an organisation. IP360 combined a new way of working and, through cyber security and online brand services, filling the potential gaps in your protection that may arise from complex markets and accelerating digitalisation.

IP360 – When the world changes, so do we

From online or physical brand protection, to domain management, to maximising monetisation opportunities, we are able to offer a comprehensive international range of services and solutions designed specifically to strengthen, secure, and enforce your intellectual property.

Our promise remains the same…

Our promise is the same as it has always been: We take care of your ideas, innovations, data, identity – and all of your other intangible assets that you literally can’t put your finger on. We have divided them into three separate categories, each of which complement and interact with one another. We protect them, give you ownership and make them yours to keep, and help you to monetise or enforce them.


Everything connected with an innovation or an innovation process can become an Innovation Asset. Patents, copyrights, licenses, trade secrets, know how and processes are all examples of potential assets that can add value to your business. We look into all aspects that relate to you Innovation Assets, and how best to manage them.


Everything produced digitally could become a Digital Asset. Digitalisation is part of our daily lives, and AI is changing the way that we work, and even how we think. Data is generated everywhere and we have to develop new ways to define and protect it. These can take many forms and functions: Data, apps, algorithms and domain names are all examples of valuable Digital Assets.


Brand, design, appearance, graphical presentation and online presence – all of these form business identifiers that can characterise a company’s identity, making it distinctive and unique. We can help you to identify, protect and enforce all of these potential assets, many of which can increase the value of your organisation.

Our innovative thinking has been rewarded

We have over 150 years’ experience of innovative thinking and we make use of that as we adapt to new methods and techniques, moving our industry forward into the future. Over the years, we have consistently challenged how intellectual property is defined and continue to challenge ourselves to give our clients the best possible service, securing their assets and adding value to their organisations.

Our efforts have not gone unnoticed: Zacco as a firm, and more than 60 of our patent, trademark and design attorneys, have achieved top tier rankings and individual recommendations from platforms such as World Trademark Review, Intellectual Asset Management, Managing IP and Legal 500, all of which independently assures the outstanding quality of our services.

We have repeatedly been awarded prestigious prizes, such as Scandinavian Firm of the Year and Nordic Firm of the Year, all of which is testament to the skills, knowledge, insight and expertise that can be found across our 500 highly skilled colleagues.

Rankings Zacco 2024