Pernille Brix - Zacco
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Pernille Brix

Pernille Brix

Trademark Paralegal

About Pernille Brix

Pernille joined Zacco in 2024 and is working as a Trademark Paralegal. She has worked as a Paralegal since 2016. Her tasks include most aspects of the handling of clients’ trademark portfolios, in particular filing and prosecution of trademark applications in EU and UK, including trademark and design monitoring and watch.

She is also very good at administrating the tasks and keeping track of deadlines.

Pernille graduated from Denmark’s Library School in Copenhagen in 1994 and has worked with music rights for over 20 years.

In 2022, Pernille passed the first part of the QTMA – Qualified Trademark Administrator, a title bestowed by DIFI (Dansk Institut for Immaterialretsuddannelse/Danish Institute for Intellectual Property Education).

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Areas of Expertise

  • Portfolio Handling and Paralegal Services