Be prepared – GDPR will soon come into force | Zacco
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Be prepared – GDPR will soon come into force

16 November 2017


In May 2018, new EU regulations for collecting and processing personal data will enter into force – the General Data Protection Regulation, or, for short, the GDPR. All businesses that collect and process personal data must comply with these new and stricter regulations. Otherwise you might be heavily fined.

Though, even more importantly; companies that deliver true transparency to their customers can build strong, reliable trust in their brands and therefore, focusing on the GDPR transition also means communicating a concern for keeping personal data safe and secure.

Zacco has the knowledge and competence to assist in all steps of the transition towards compliance combining in-depth knowledge of the legal landscape and unique technical competence needed to amend or build secure databases and data processing tools. All in all Zacco has the expertise – cyber security specialists and IP professionals – to ensure tailor made, efficient and client specific solutions.

For any further information on the GDPR and its implications, please contact Jesper Sundström, Kristian Elftorp, Niclas Hannerstig, Kristin Astrup, Stig H. Ekmann or Nils Köster.

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