IP Stars: Tier 1 rankings also for Zacco’s patent work | Zacco

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IP Stars: Tier 1 rankings also for Zacco’s patent work

7 March 2018

Following the publications of the IP STARS rankings for 2018 on trademarks, Managing Intellectual Property (MIP) has now announced the leading IP firms for patent work for more than 50 jurisdictions.

Like last year Zacco has been ranked in Tier 1 for Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the category “Patent Prosecution”. In this category, MIP takes account of any pre- and post-grant work including office proceedings. The comprehensive research includes several variables such as market research interviews, work information from firms, survey responses and publicly available information and the result is widely acknowledged as an authoritative and reliable guide for the IP market.

With a total of six top tier rankings for both patent and trademark prosecution in the Scandinavian countries, the MIP rankings give substantial proof of Zacco’s position as a major IP consultancy.

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