Redemption notice Zacco A/S shares
28 April 2023
On 17 April 2023, Orca Holding Denmark ApS, CVR no. 43 86 61 09 (“Orca Holding”), has on 17 April acquired 99.97% of the shares and voting rights in Zacco A/S, CVR no. 26 00 05 56 (“the Company”) (excluding the Company’s own shares).
As Orca Holding holds more than 90% of the shares and voting rights in the Company (excluding the Company’s own shares), Orca Holding is entitled to carry out a forced compulsory redemption of the shares in the Company belonging to the remaining minority
shareholders, pursuant to sections 70 and 72 of the Danish Companies Act.
On that basis, Orca Holding has decided to exercise its right to carry out a forced compulsory redemption of the shares in the Company belonging to the remaining minority shareholders, pursuant to sections 70 and 72 of the Danish Companies Act.
Read the full notice here Redemption Notice_Zacco AS shares
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