Season's Greetings 2023 - Zacco
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Season’s Greetings 2023

15 December 2023

With the holiday season approaching, many of us at Zacco are looking forward to uniting with friends and family. It is a time to surround ourselves with those we care for, sharing laughter and heart-warming company, and celebrating the opportunity to come together.

As an organisation, we’re grateful for the opportunity to work with you, and for the trust you’ve placed in us. Your ideas are what continues to drive us, and to inspire us, and being a part of your journey is something we truly appreciate.

At Zacco, we’ve seen a year of inspiring innovation, especially in the realm of generative AI. This message, assisted by AI, is not just a simple holiday greeting, it’s an acknowledgement of the incredible potential that such technology holds, and how it might impact our field.

2023 was a year that saw some changes, with new colleagues and new ideas. It was also the year that Zacco became part of the OpSec Group, unlocking powerful opportunities to work with a leading pioneer of brand protection solutions, and to collaborate on exciting new areas of intellectual property and brands across their entire lifecycle.

We’re looking forward to continuing this journey with you in the new year. Here’s to a holiday season filled with joy, togetherness, and festive cheer.

Wishing you a wonderful 2024!

Warmest Regards,

All of us here at Zacco

Both the image and text in this post used generative AI (ChatGPT from OpenAI) as a starting point but have been customised per the author’s preferences.

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