Zacco establishes Nordic Digital Forensics center | Zacco

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Zacco establishes Nordic Digital Forensics center

26 March 2018


In order to further strengthen the Zacco offer within Cyber Security we have recently recruited additional Digital Forensics specialists. This adds expert competence and capacity to the Zacco team that now can show more than 20 years of experience in providing digital forensics investigations in both public and private sector.

The Zacco Forensics Center has the capability to handle all kinds of digital forensics investigations. Everything from phones used in insider trading to compromised internal and cloud-based environments utilized by criminals for fraud or other purposes.

With the most current tools sets and specialist competence, Zacco supports both existing IPR-clients and new Cyber Security and Digital Brand clients with preventative measures like training and preparedness for intrusions as well as using digital evidence in order to understand what really happened and use the knowledge to build a strong case for our customers.

Depending on the type of case, Zacco provides both Digital Forensics as a Service (DFaaS) and traditional investigations. With a full Forensics Center we provide our customers predefined services like a full work place investigation at fixed prices as well as in-depth investigations of data breaches that may require many different competences.

What makes Zacco’s offer quite unique in the Nordic market is our team of IP professionals that backs up the Digital Forensics team with support in data privacy, tech law, and legal compliance matters as well as Intellectual Property Rights (IPR).

Areas covered in the Zacco Digital Forensics Center

  • Workplace Forensics (Phones, email and Computer Forensics)
  • Network Forensics
  • Malware Forensics
  • Server Forensics
  • Litigation Support
  • Expert Witness

The Zacco Approach

Zacco has a Digital Forensics Quality Management System (QMS) that ensures a high quality delivery in all investigations. The QMS cover each step from physical and digital evidence collection and handling to report writing and expert witness services.

For more information please contact the Digital Forensics Center Manager Jimmie Ekvall directly or get in touch with your trusted Zacco attorney.

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