Zacco ranked as a Top Tier Trademark Prosecution firm 2021
13 April 2021
It is with great pleasure we announce that Zacco has once again been ranked as a tier one firm in Denmark, Sweden and Norway in the category of Trademark Prosecution, performed by Patent & Trademark attorney firms.
This ranking keeps us in the same top tier that we have held since 2017. Zacco has also been ranked in tier two for the Trademark Contentious category in Sweden and Norway and in tier three in Denmark.
The 2021 Trademark rankings recognise the leading firms for Trademark Filing/Prosecution and Contentious work in more than 50 jurisdictions. According to the IP Stars research methodology, the prosecution ranking takes into account pre and post-registration work including office proceedings and portfolio management advice. The contentious ranking covers trade mark-related disputes (in and outside the courts) and anti-counterfeiting work.
Congratulations to all of our colleagues who contributed to this success. Your comprehensive, reliable and high-quality advice on how to protect and enforce client Trademarks has been recognised and rewarded once again.
Read more about the latest rankings on the IP Stars website here. You will also find a comprehensive list of the Zacco IP professionals who have previously been ranked as Trademark IP Stars.
If you would like to work with Zacco’s Trademark experts on protecting your IP Portfolio, reach out to one of the following:
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