Zacco A/S: VAT nr:, KvK / CVR: 26000556
Zacco Denmark A/S: VAT nr: DK21624683, KvK / CVR: 24257460
Zacco Advokatanpartsselskab: VAT nr:DK25391470, KvK / CVR: 25391470
Most efficient transportation from the airport:
With train to Ørestad station from the airport (Check for train times)
Estimated time from the airport by train is 10 min. + 5 min. walk from Ørestad station to our office.
If you are driving, we advise you to park your car at “By & Havn” – the parking spot next to Field’s.
Estimated time from the airport by taxi is 10 min.
Recommended hotels:
CabInn Metro
Arne Jacobsens Allé 2
DK-2300 Copenhagen S
Tel.: +45 32 46 57 00
AC Bella Sky
Center Boulevard 5
DK-2300 Copenhagen S.
Tel.: +45 32 47 30 00
Crowne Plaza Copenhagen Towers
Ørestads Boulevard 114
2300 København S
Tlf. +45 8877 6655
Clarion Hotel Copenhagen Airport
Ellehammersvej 20
DK-2770 Kastrup
Tlf. +45 32 50 15 01